Thursday, August 5, 2010

Class 8 - Little Kelly, Handstand Pushups and Box Jumps

After Monday's gruelling WOD of Push-Ups, Sit-Ups and Lunges, we were all hurting like mad for today's class. This would make today's challenges even more difficult. We started off with a warm-up that consisted of boxsteps, sit-ups and push-ups which got the abs stretched out again. Then we moved on to today's skill, which was intended to be handstand push-ups. Because these are so hard, we did a modification with the box, putting our knees up on the box and our hands on the floor as close to the box as possible. The idea is to get your body as vertical as possible, then do the push-up, lowering your head down to the floor and pushing back up off your shoulders. It's tough, and the blood rushing down to your head makes it feel weird, but pretty awesome at the same time.

Then came our WOD, Little Kelly. This was BY FAR the most devastatingly difficult workout we have done so far. It consists 3 rounds for time of:
  • 30 wall balls (I used 10lb)
  • 30 box jumps (20" box)
  • 400m run
This is a really hard workout and it took me 27.06 to finish it. I can't remember a time in my life when I worked out that hard. It made me realize how horribly unfit I still am, but I was proud to complete it. I look forward to trying it again in a few months and seeing how I improve!

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